Who is 5R for?

Any person who is ready and willing to start digging deep and asking, “why am I the way that I am and why do I do the things that I do?” It takes intentionality and a lot of work but getting to know yourself on a deeper level is the only way that you will thrive in recovery. 5R is for anyone who wants to go beyond the quitting phase and start doing the work to overcome their addictions and begin a new life.

What is 5R?


Remember where you came from. This is crucial in starting recovery. Your story is important, your story matters, you matter. The events you have experienced throughout your life have shaped who you are today. While there are similarities with your peers, you need to breakdown the specific events in your life to try and understand your choices and behaviors. Listening to others share their life story builds trust and community with one another. Sharing your story provides healing for you and hope for your peers.


After remembering your story, this is where the real work begins. It is time to dig deep into the uncomfortable, scour through your past, leave no stone unturned. 5R will connect you with the right resources so you are able to share specific life experiences that contribute to your addiction - abuse, neglect, depression, anxiety, trauma, mental illness, betrayals, lies, etc. You will be empowered to break down the strongholds that keep you in active addiction and hinder your recovery.


Rejoice in the good! Remember the positive events in your past and celebrate those. Addiction clouds your judgement and your thoughts about yourself. Rejoicing in the good will allow you to look at yourself in another light. You will reconnect with who you are at your core and begin to establish positive feelings and thoughts towards yourself. It is time to celebrate the good things you have and let go of the negativity that dwells within. It is time to Celebrate Life!!!


Being reborn gives you an opportunity to start fresh. Let the weight of the past fall off your shoulders. Your burden has been lifted. You are walking into a new life you created by your commitment to recovery. Get to know your true self, your core, and your aspirations in life. Set short term and long-term goals that are now achievable and take action to set your new life in motion. Remember all the work you have done and make a commitment to yourself to walk it out every single day.


After working through the first four phases, it is time to give back and live a life of service and helping others. Live the way you were meant to. Use your individual gifts to give back to your peers and your community. Embrace the fact that as an addict, your story matters. It is powerful and sharing it with others changes lives. Meet others where they are at, walk beside them, share your story and the resources that were available to you. You are impacting the lives of others and you have become part of the solution. Relive your life with the dignity and respect that was always intended for you.

Why does 5R work?


“5R started with helping me to renew my faith, which was my intent from the beginning. It helped me to establish a strong foundation for recovery by working the 5R’s – Remember, Recover, Rejoice, Reborn, and Relive.”

— Dave J.


“Although I’ve been clean for over 6 years, I have not always actively worked on my recovery. 5R Recovery has given me a safe place to Remember, encouraging me to work on the issues that led to my drug addiction, along with the issues that my drug addiction caused. For me, recovery is learning to live again.”

— Lauren K.


“A few friends of mine told me about 5R, so I decided to join them. When going to my first meeting I met Johnny Ray (founder). He and the group were welcoming with open arms and unbiased. 5R has helped in my recovery to renew my faith in God and showed me that there are other ways in recovery other than just fellowships and doing my own steps. It also helped me to be open and talk about things that are not spoken about in other groups.”

— Brad M.